Bhakti-śāstrī Assessment Training Workshop
This is a five-day, intensive and rigorous workshop to equip those who would like to appear for Bhakti-śāstrī to handle the sort of assessments that appear in Bhakti-śāstrī according to the system of assessments commonly in place for Bhakti-śāstrī: (a) Closed book assessments, (b) Open book assessments, and (c) Śloka assessments. (It should be noted that a similar system is in place for Bhakti-vaibhava too.)
In this workshop, we will take a chapter from the Kṛṣṇa book and study it the way we would study Bhagavad-gītā As It Is or the other Bhakti-śāstrī textbooks; we will select three verses for memorization. A student handbook will be issued to the students; this handbook will contain a question bank for the closed-book assessment.
Since Bhakti-śāstrī students generally find writing open-book assessments challenging, they will be trained on it for the first three days. Students will have the opportunity to consult the trainer on the development of their open-book assessments, and on the third day, they will have to submit their open-book assessments for evaluation.
Śloka assessments will be conducted on the last two days of the workshop.
A closed-book assessment will take place on the final day.
Three extra days will be allotted for reassessments for students who still find it difficult.
We believe that this will sufficiently help those desirous of studying Bhakti-śāstrī and go through its assessments with ease and confidence.
Starting on 15 October 2022.
Ending on 19 October 2022.
On-site at Rameswaram.
Available online too.
Medium of instruction: English
Fee: Dakṣiṇā — pay what you want
Teacher: Bhāvagrāhī Nandanandana dāsa
Assessment trainer: Dharmātmā Nimāi dāsa
Administrator: Vidvān Gaurāṅga dāsa
Eligibility: This workshop is for those who are eligible to enroll in Bhakti-śāstrī — 16 rounds, 4 regulative principles as defined by Śrīla Prabhupāda, and participating in ISKCON temples or preaching projects for at least one year. Since the workshop will be in English, the participants should be fluent in English and be able to write in English (correctly).
Online participation: Online students participate in the study program real-time via Zoom. Their attendance will be taken into consideration.
Timings: There will be four 90 minute sessions per day, starting at 7:30 am, 9:45 am, 11:30 am and 4:30 pm.
Registration: Candidates who want to attend this workshop as well as (a) Bhakti-śāstrī Deluxe or (b) A Study of Brahma-samhita should go to the course web pages dealing with those courses and fill up the registration form there. Candidates who want to attend this workshop but not either of the above two courses should fill up the registraiton form in this page.
In either case, those who have been accepted for the workshop will the notified by e-mail.
Last date of registration: 31 August 2022
First come, first served.
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